Friday, November 12, 2010

Eh, birthday kita sama la

Selepas 22 tahun hidup, aku baru jumpa orang yang sama birthday dengan aku..[30 Julai 1988]..sama dengan tahun-tahun sekali. Hahaha [lol]. Mungkin orang lain akan cakap ek eleh, budak ni..tu pun nak kecoh ke..tapi biar r! Suka hati aku r nak suka kan. hehehehehe...

So, setelah meng'google'kan diri, aku jumpa beberapa fakta menarik tentang birthday aku ni..Just for fun :)

  • Your lucky days are Saturday (Conceivement date, Your parents decided to not to have an abortion, You were born) and Sunday (Your first cell is built, Your mother suspects she is pregnant, Your heart beat for the first time).

  • You are exactly 22 years 15 weeks 5 days 5 hours 2 minutes 22 seconds old (pada masa aku google tersebut).

  • You will receive your next birthday gift in 37 weeks 18 hours 57 minutes 38 seconds later.

  • If your hair were never cut since 30.July.1988, it would be 3.248 m. today.

  • If your nails were never cut since 30.July.1988, they would be 8.059 cm. today.

  • An apple tree seeded on 30.July.1988, bore 1,979.298 kg. apple till today.

  • Kepada yang menyambut harinya pada hari ini, selamat hari lahir...semoga dimurahkan rezeki dan bahagia selalu...


    ijat_asni said...

    hepi birthday (tetibe...)

    Wardah alisya said...

    Tengkiu (xpe2..hehe)